Salesforce Flow Tests: 5 Scenarios Where Apex Unit Tests Are the Better Choice

In our ongoing series touching on all things Salesforce Flow Testing, we’ve explored the fundamentals of what flow tests are, why they’re important, what to consider, and how to create and configure them effectively. 

As we dive deeper into the world of testing within Salesforce, it becomes essential to understand when Flow tests may not be the best fit for your needs. In certain cases, Apex unit tests offer more flexibility, control, and advanced capabilities. So, what are those scenarios where choosing Apex unit tests over Flow tests may be the more practical and powerful approach? 

1) Updating Related Records

The interface for Flow Tests does not support updating related records. Consequently, flows that depend on specific conditions across multiple objects may fail if related data is altered.

2) Using Assertions

It is advisable to use the ‘Equals’ operator for assertions. The tool’s capabilities are limited to refer Flow variables with the ‘Does Not Equal’ operator. Apex tests come handy here to test these scenarios as well as assertions to verify formulas, variables or resources.

3) Complex Unit Tests

For unit tests that involve intricate scenarios, consider using Apex tests instead, as they offer greater control and complexity handling.

4) Testing Subflows

While autolaunched Subflows are not directly supported in Flow tests. They can sometimes be tested indirectly if they are part of a record-triggered flow.

5) Heavy Data Dependency

Flow tests in Salesforce come with a significant limitation: they cannot create test data. For example, if a Flow is intended to update a lead, an existing lead with matching requirements must already be in the org for the test to run. This condition necessitates the replication of identical test data across different testing environments. In contrast, Apex tests provide a more advanced testing framework that allows for the creation of test records directly within the testing environment.

Salesforce Flow tests are great for automating processes, but they do have their limits—especially when it comes to handling related records, complex logic, or data-heavy scenarios. Knowing when to switch to Apex unit tests can make sure your testing is thorough and more reliable.

We’re just scratching the surface here. In the next articles, we’ll dive even deeper into how to confidently deploy Flow tests, navigate their limitations, and help you choose the best testing method for your Salesforce setup. 

Need some more advice on testing your automations within Salesforce? Let’s chat!

For more Testing resources, check out the articles below:

Author: Nupur Patel
Automation Specialist & Junior Salesforce Developer at Lane Four

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